Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Jobs

Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority or CAA often announces jobs through national newspapers for various executive and staff jobs.

  • The executive positions are titled as Assistant Director and above with pay grades as EG-01 and above.
  • Staff positions are called by their job title e.g. bird shooter and are with pay grade SG-01 and above.
Assistant Director jobs include various specialties such as Electronics, E&M, Accounts, AT&ER, Airport Services (APS), and the famous Airport Traffic Controller (ATC).

For all jobs, the recruitment process includes a written test followed by an interview. If you clear the interview, a medical exam is also conducted before being called in for training at Civil Aviation Training Institute, Hyderabad. The training duration varies for each job. For some staff jobs, a physical exam is also conducted before the interview.

The overall recruitment process is lengthy and time-consuming. Following are the steps involved:

  1. Applying online on when posts are announced. This includes uploading a complete profile and document scans.
  2. Waiting for CAA to shortlist candidates. This can take 5-6 months.
  3. Those who are shortlisted are sent a message by NTS to download their fee slip from NTS website and pay the challan within 2 weeks.
  4. After 3-4 weeks, NTS conducts a written exam.
  5. The result is announced by NTS within 7-8 days. Earlier if the number of candidates is less.
  6. Once that is done, NTS sends the list of test scores to CAA for further shortlisting.
  7. About 1-2 months later, shortlisted candidates are placed calls and emails for interviews.
  8. Once interviews are conducted across Pakistan, the final selection letters are sent within 1 month.
The procedure is the same for all posts.

Keep in mind that if shortlisted for interview, you can contact HR at any time to check the status of interview results. Interview emails have HR contact info at the bottom.

For each post, the test pattern is different and announced by CAA on their website 2-3 weeks before the test. They also share a sample paper. Thus, it is important to stay tuned to the CAA website.

Test Details

The CAA screening test is conducted by NTS across Pakistan at once. The test includes various components such as technical, general knowledge, English, IQ, quick math, Islamic knowledge, current affairs, aviation knowledge, and so on based on the position the test is being held for. The test is of 100 marks and 120 minutes MCQ type. NTS gives a carbon copy of the answers and uploads answer keys within 2-3 days on the NTS website. The result is often announced 7-8 days later.

Be sure to check sample paper and test composition for the post you are appearing for beforehand on the CAA website to prepare well. ( I have shared the pattern of a few posts below).

Interview Details

CAA holds interview over video calls at all provincial capital airports except at Karachi airport. The interview panel usually consists of the ADG of CAA, HR Head, and the head of the concerned department. The interview starts with general knowledge questions from the ADG followed by technical questions by the department head. Audio and video quality is usually very good during the interviews.

The number of questions for general knowledge and the technical part is usually equal. The general knowledge part includes questions such as capitals, heads of states, current affairs, personal opinions, largest rivers/lakes, continents, aviation questions, quick math, and so on. Technical part includes basic questions related to the position appearing for.

CAA conducts interviews in a sequential manner starting from one city to the next. Not all are conducted on the same day. Two cities whose interview is held over video call may be interviewed on the same day if the number of candidates is small.

Prior to the interview, original documents and CNIC are checked by the HR representative on the spot.

After Interview

About 1 month later, the selected candidates are sent offers letters, not emails or calls. They are given 15 days to report to HQ CAA Karachi for medical and processing. For some positions, training is also held at CATI, Hyderabad during which candidates are paid 50% of the defined salary for the position.

For some positions, selected individuals may be required to sign a surety bond of 5-7 years worth 2.5 million PKR. This bond is given on a stamp paper and limits the individual from resigning within this period.

For more details, you should also listen to my video at

Best of luck :)